Tuesday, July 5, 2011


I have written about numerous topics. Most include some sort of pain. Whether the pain is visible to all or not isn't the point. The only topic I have yet to talk about is love. Love is in everything, even if you don't see it. Love is in a new baby being born. Love is in the way to elderly couple look at each other. Love is in death. Love is everywhere. There's no escaping it. By now some of you must be thinking, "What ha gotten into her?! What happened to all the pain and suffering in the world?" And you're right. There's no way to escape the pain in this world either. Love and pain are both in death. When we lose a loved one there's pain. Without love there would be no pain. Without pain there would be no love. When you see two elderly people holding hands and looking deeply into each others eyes, you can tell that there is love for each other.

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