Saturday, April 30, 2011


There's many different kinds of it. The kind you get from breaking an arm, losing your job, or the kind you get when someone breaks your heart. All these different hurts have different types of pain. When you break your arm the pain is only there until you get is in a cast or you have pain killers. When you loose your job, you eventually get over it because you know you just have to get out there and look for another. When your heart gets broken though, that could last for decades. Maybe your true love found someone else, maybe your significant other died, or maybe you had to call things off with the one person in the entire world who actually understood you. Heartbreak is the worst kind of pain anyone can have. People actually die from it! Some couples after being with each other die six months to a year after their spouse. Heartbreak is probably the hardest kind of hurt to over come. Eventually the hurt does ease. Whether it's because you found someone who makes you just as or even more happy then the person before or enough time has passed and enough space was put between you and the other person. All hurt does go. Just give it time.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Acceptance. How many of you out there need it or want it? How many of you need acceptance from almost everyone just to live? Its human nature to want to be accepted by people or to want their approval on every little thing we do. We're like children that way. When the small child is jumping and calls to his mother, "Mommy, mommy! Look! Watch what I can do!" It's almost as if we do that too, but not calling to our mother, more to a friend. To be accepted into the world is one of the biggest wishes people have for themselves. Maybe they weren't extremely popular in high school so now would be their chance to rule the world and have everyone look adoringly up to them. You may not believe it but everyone is looking to someone for their approval. Whether it's to buy those shoes or if they should sign a contract. Everyone needs someone. People cannot survive without each other. We strain to be a part of something bigger then ourselves and to help people with their problems so be don't have to deal with our own. We look to others for guidance and love. Even the people at the top of the pyramid look to someone for approval on what they do and that person looks to another and so on. We live to please ourselves by pleasing others and getting their approval. Here is where i shall end my comment on acceptance.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


A miracle. Everyone wants one, but nobody has them. Why is it that these wonderful, beautiful things are so rare? People hope for a miracle when their dog runs away, or when they break a rib and hope to God that it doesn't puncture a vital organ. The miracles that people over ask for are: the longing for love, the wanting of being rich and famous, and the desire to be someone they aren't. Whether you want any of these things or  not is irrelevant in this blog. My blog is only for one thing and that is to express my views on the world. Now back to my point on miracles. These tiny things can work wonders that save, help, and undeniably are a mystery. Whether you believe in them as if they are fate's little presents or if you believe in the religious miracles, believe like theres no tomorrow and that these little gifts are the only thing that can save you.

Life and Death

I was looking out my window when a a bird landed in the tree right next to the window. I don't know how it happened but I started thinking of the way life goes on; how people are in your life for a lesson, a season, or a lifetime. Fate brings in these people to help you through life whether you want them or not. They help you see what you couldn't see before, they help you get over the brick wall that you've been scared to pass. The lesson ones never stay long enough for a real connection, but you always remember them because they are the ones who left something for you to remember them by. They leave you a memory that will always stay in your mind or they leave a special nick knack that you can always place where you got it and why. The seasonal ones are harder. They develop a bond of trust that makes you think that they will be a lifetime one, when it turns out that all they are there for is to be in the back drop and provide comfort and support, but in the end leave and never come back. Fate may allow you to mingle with these people once or twice more, but not enough to where you could for that bond of trust, even if you tried. The lifetime ones are there with you through the thick and thin. They are there from the start, or maybe they come right in the middle of your life, but stay with you till death. These are the people you have to watch out for. Everyone eventually leave you, or you end up leaving them. Life is funny like that. It lets you love and become friend and then right when everything is going great, it ends. Life sends you on these little journeys that show you that your life is great and everyone loves you and nothing could be better then this and then when you're least expecting it, someone leaves, which sends you into a pit of despair and sadness. I write this blog as the bird sits there. And not surprisingly, the bird just flew away. My point exactly. Everyone and/or everything eventually leaves.