Saturday, April 23, 2011


Acceptance. How many of you out there need it or want it? How many of you need acceptance from almost everyone just to live? Its human nature to want to be accepted by people or to want their approval on every little thing we do. We're like children that way. When the small child is jumping and calls to his mother, "Mommy, mommy! Look! Watch what I can do!" It's almost as if we do that too, but not calling to our mother, more to a friend. To be accepted into the world is one of the biggest wishes people have for themselves. Maybe they weren't extremely popular in high school so now would be their chance to rule the world and have everyone look adoringly up to them. You may not believe it but everyone is looking to someone for their approval. Whether it's to buy those shoes or if they should sign a contract. Everyone needs someone. People cannot survive without each other. We strain to be a part of something bigger then ourselves and to help people with their problems so be don't have to deal with our own. We look to others for guidance and love. Even the people at the top of the pyramid look to someone for approval on what they do and that person looks to another and so on. We live to please ourselves by pleasing others and getting their approval. Here is where i shall end my comment on acceptance.

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